valentine's day Daytripping: Marin County

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Last weekend we decided to hit the coast to get free of the smoke filled air brought on by the many recent wildfires in the Sacramento area. We took the dog, a picnic of roasted chicken sandwiches and fruit from the Sacramento Farmer's Market and hit the road.

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Muir Beach in Marin County was our first destination. We love it because dogs are very welcome off leash, and Cooper was in dog heaven. After a good two hours of running him ragged and soaking up the sun, we settled in for a great picnic lunch.

If you are ever in the area, you have to stay at the Pelican Inn. Originally built in Surrey in 1673, it was dismantled and rebuilt at Muir Beach where it has been providing a touch of England for over 20 years. Be sure to check out their website for pictures of the authentic Tudor style rooms. If you are daytripping like we were, stop at the pub for an ale and a game of darts.

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After a quick stop for ice cream, we did some shopping for antiques in one of my favorite towns, Mill Valley. I suggest Maison Reve if you get the chance:

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They specialize in French antiques and garden accessories. So pretty!

Next stop: Sausalito on the San Francisco Bay

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There is a beautiful town square, with a fountain guarded by these two handsome elephants. I had to take this for you Courtney!

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Full of beautiful Victorian architecture....

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And creative people.....

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Sausalito is one of my favorite cities by the Bay. It was a glorious to top off out trip we had to eat at one of my all time favorite seafood restaurants:valentine's day valentine's day

FISH is located right on the Marina in Sausalito and specializes in fresh fish. A very casual atmosphere, drinks are served in Mason Jars and you sit outside at picnic tables:valentine's day valentine's day

But do not let that fool you into thinking that the food is less than excellent. I had a white bean and tuna salad with Kalamata olives, red onions, carrots, celery, and lots of other goodies. And there was clam chowder all around. Here is a picture of the Portuguese Red Chowder, rich and spicy:

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Be sure to check out their really clever website here. You will be very entertained.

So...we had a very good day by the Bay.

I am recharged and ready to do some more blogging about one of my many design crushes, so I hope you visit tomorrow!

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