valentine's day A peculiar History test.

Listening to: Ao no Ether - Megumi Nakajima
Last watched: Hakushaku to Yousei episode 1

25 more days to SPM!!

Oh my God.

And I'm still not done with History revision! Then there's Bio and Physics which I'm striving hard on to get at least an A2. I'm giving up on Chemistry. I have no idea why I once wrote during my primary school time that my ambition is to be a chemist.

Mixing a bunch of coloured solutions is fun, maybe? I feel ashamed of my 12 year old mentality.

How I motivate myself to study:

valentine's day valentine's day
I'm so envious of the Form 3 students. Their PMR is over. Mish and Liz, stop gloating :(

We had a mini History test yesterday. Only 25 people attended, including me. Bwahaha. I just wanted to see how much History knowledge I've managed to cram into my brain how stupid I am.

And you know what?

We sneaky bunch of girls were all peeping at our books secretly. LOL. And the teachers didn't even bother to say a thing. Mr. Cheong even said "Aiya, its just a small History test, why take it so seriously?" Hence, the peeping.

It was the funnest test ever!

June and I kept making funny gestures at each other. She had her whole History reference book wide open on her table some more. Like whoa. Wennie and Bao Zhou Po were exchanging answers. So were Tracy and the others.

Bwahahaha. It was hilarious.

There was one moment when, even with a History text book, Wennie couldn't find the answers, and I had to (secretly) flip open the bloody page for her and copy the answers for her.

You call this a History test, people? I beg to differ.

It's a History Reference test!

I had an hour to sleep after I was done. So I decided to doodle a little.

valentine's day valentine's day Its the truth.

And don't forget my famous blood-spurting icon.
valentine's day valentine's day
After the test, we had all the time in the world to do boh liao stuff. I managed to get Tracy and Wennie to watch Kuroshitsuji!! Sebastian is irresistible, after all. And both of them said Sebby and Ciel (that little boy) look good as a yaoi couple.

OMG Noooo! Sebby ain't a paedo-bear!

Then, before school dismissed, we spent our time drawing on people's faces on the newspapers and laughed at them. So boh liao.

And today, Tracy, June, Agnes and I skipped Physics lesson (the teacher didn't even enter the lab to teach) by staying in class talking about sex. Yes, goddamn sex. This topic never gets boring. Haha. We were all laughing like crazy and halfway we had to go downstairs to pee before continuing our mad conversation + laughter.


Can't get enough of these eggs. Haha.
valentine's day valentine's day

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