valentine's day 2 more days.

Listening to: Northern Cross - May'n
Last watched: Gundam 00 2nd Season episode 7

I'm back everyone!!

Oh wow, how long has it been? Almost 3 weeks?

I really miss my blog. Lots and lots of stuff has happened this week and lets see if I can cramp them all into this post.

And if you're wondering, no, SPM isn't over yet. Two more days to go!! Chinese tomorrow and EST on the last! Screw Chinese. I cannot imagine how high I will be on the last day. Thank God they saved an easy sub for the last day!!

Bio, Chemistry, Physics, Add Maths - screwed. Went right down into the drain. Seriously I have no idea why I picked Science Stream. PURE SCIENCE some more. Ugh. But one thing good about this is that our SPM exam ends the earliest!!! Other science classes will only finish their exam on the 1st or 2nd December.

Bwahahaha. 27th November. That will be the date of salvation!!

1. I absolutely love walking out from exams!!!

You know, when you're born with a brain that thinks fast or a hand that writes fast, and you find yourself rotting/sleeping just to wait for those agonizingly slow minutes to pass because there's still so much time left during the exam?

Well during SPM, you don't have to!

Once you're done with your paper and you've double-checked, you can just raise your hand, tell the invigilator you wanna get your ass out, and BAM! You're allowed to flee the torture chamber.

But there's a catch, you can't flee during the first 30 minutes and the last 10 minutes of the paper.

Wennie, Tracy and I always walk out together cause we're sitting close to each other. Easy to 'communicate' with our eyes. Haha. But sometimes when Wennie wanted to send me a sign by tapping her desk and fake-coughing to tell me that she's done and she's ready to walk out, I dunno why I was too blur to notice.

2. What happened during English Paper?

Five essay titles were given, as usual. You have to pick one, as usual. I was scanning through the paper and this title caught my eye....

"Your perfect future husband/wife."


I gestured to Wennie about the title and we both snickered quietly like mimes. What an easy title!!! And a very very interesting one to write too.

Thank you, the Board of Education Ministers or whoever who set this question, THANK YOU!!!

After the paper ended, Wennie immediately asked me, "So what did you write? Your perfect husband to be like Lulu?" LOLOLOL.

Me: "What, you want me to write 'my husband must have a Geass'?"

Wennie: "You can write 'he must be a Prince of Britain. And also he must have an evil laughter'."

Haha. I laughed myself silly.

Me: "The examiner's gonna think I'm nuts!"

Anyway, I'm not telling you guys what I wrote for that essay :P

3. Taste of freedom
... and more frustration.

Albeit mind-crushing and tiring, SPM period was seriously the best exam period in my life. You know last time I used to pass by my school during the November holidays and saw all the Form 5s walking back to the school, ready to take their SPM exam.

I was like "Ceh, it's none of my business."

Now.... yeah, those words just smacked me right in the face. But seriously, going back to school during the holidays ain't that bad. The school ain't congested and noisy as usual.

Wennie and I went to the field at the next block where there's really no one at all. And we danced right there in the middle of the field. Yeah, you heard me right. It was like, total freedom in the school!

Though I seriously hate sitting for exams in the afternoon. It's so freaking hot!! Imagine sweating like mad when you have to do last minute revision. Crazy. All the Science papers were until 3.30pm. Malay, English and History... until 4.30pm. Moral was until 5!!! I was drained.



1. New bed + sheets!
valentine's day valentine's day The colour combination of grey & purple is weird but the flowers add a touch of Japanese style to it. Really makes my bed looks more enticing than it already is.

2. New dustbin!!
valentine's day valentine's day Ain't it the cutest dustbin you've ever seen? ;)


3. A new phone!!!!!
valentine's day valentine's day
Nokia 7610 Supernova. I am so in love with it.

Even the name is so nice. Supernova. Supernova. Supernova!!

My phone's colour would be the one on the right. White in front, purple at the back. Well what can I say? I love purple!

Friends have been wanting to see how it looks like so I'm taking it to school tomorrow. Have to show off show off a bit. Bwahahaha. Just joking.


Currently, this is how my desk looks like.

valentine's day valentine's day Yup, a typhoon called SPM just hit it.

All these books on my table are going to be burned once SPM is over!!
valentine's day valentine's day
Can you believe? These are the notes for Malay only.
valentine's day valentine's day Major paper wastage.

More of my deplorable room.
valentine's day valentine's day Physics was just over today. So yeah, that green book you see there is gonna be burned too.



Sorry for this ridiculously long post. I haven't blogged for almost 3 weeks. Figures.

P/S I'll be working on my new layout to celebrate the end of SPM and my high school life! Since my new phone is purple, look out for a new purple layout from me soon :)

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