valentine's day Reuniting... and it feels so good... or atleast it will

valentine's day valentine's day
Thank you all so much for all the good vibes. He passed, but with the delay at the squadron they didn't get done in time to have their graduation ceremony today. So they are having it tomorrow morning 8:30am, which means he can't hit the road back home to P'cola until at least 10am. We had hoped he'd be home a little before I got home from work. But, its ok because he is going to be home tomorrow night. I can't believe it and I'm so excited.
valentine's day I can't believe these 6 months of schooling are done. Its been hard but we've got through it.
valentine's day
I want to say a big THANK YOU to all of you who have become my friends and given me an outlet to bitch, brag, and express my feelings about everything in the life of the Jetplanes no matter how trivial the things have been.
valentine's day
I promise to keep up with blogging, but it may not be as much for a little bit. Commenting might be a little low for a couple of weeks.

And before I forget... THANK YOU so much for all the lovely ladies who have recently (or not so recently) gave me awards. I'm sorry I haven't blogged out them, but I greatly appreciate them and you for giving them to me. I'm so glad that someone out there enjoys reading and keeping up with my crazy and some what lame life.

XOXO to you all...

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