Falling down from the first floor and get admitted into a hospital -OR- having Add Maths exam on your birthday?
As of right now, I'm opting for the latter.
So someone, please push me down the school building.
......Ignore that death wish.
I might actually ask the doctor to perform euthanasia on me one day.
......Ignore that again please.
Just who the fuck celebrates their birthday during exam period? And why does it have to be, of all subjects, ADD MATHS? (And I thought having History last year was sickening enough.)
I don't care man, I'm not gonna bother about add maths on that day. It's MY BIRTHDAY. Can't a girl do what she wants on her birthday?
Argh. This is a bloody curse I tell you. NO matter what I do, I can't escape from that STOOOOOOOOOPID subject.
1. I can't drop Add Maths for SPM.
2. For the checking of exercise books earlier this year, my subject was ADD MATHS.
And now, on the day of my birthday, I'm having Add Maths exam??
WTF is wrong with this world?
This Earth does not rotate according to its orbit anymore.
I came up with this totally illogical reason to explain the situation.
The creator of Add Maths, which is the bloody old fart lying DEAD in his grave as I speak, knows that I've been cursing him ever since Add Maths existed in my life. And so, now, he's cursing me back. In a subtle way.
Fark fark fark.
Puck puck puck.
Eff. Eff. Eff.
*tries to curse indirectly*
To me, the TRUE GENIUS isn't the person who created TONS of stupid Physics Laws or can calculate with a dozen of calculators.
The true genius is the person who created SWEAR WORDS. It's so easy how you can express all types of feelings with just one word. Plus, you can switch.
e.g This is so DAMN frustrating.
Not syok enough?
This is so BLOODY frustrating.
Still can't emphasize your frustration enough?
There. Done.
Of course there are a lot more ways to swear but I better keep 'em to myself.
Oh, creator of swear words, what would mankind do without you.
I'd like to know where your grave is so I can sprinkle sakuras over it.
5th May - 21st May
valentine's day
I better start studying hard. (I still refuse to touch Add Maths on my birthday)
My computer always seems to be extra tempting when I just willed myself to study -_-
Homework. Assignments. Exams. And an early death, here I come.
I wish Lulu can Geass me to study hard.
This just TOTALLY made my day.
5th May - 21st May

I better start studying hard. (I still refuse to touch Add Maths on my birthday)
My computer always seems to be extra tempting when I just willed myself to study -_-
Homework. Assignments. Exams. And an early death, here I come.
I wish Lulu can Geass me to study hard.
This just TOTALLY made my day.
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