In fact, regardless of the rudeness of a few garrulous people in the crowd, it was Casey and crew's "world" last night as they delivered an excellent, if too brief, performance focusing on songs from White Hinterland's 2008 release Phylactery Factory. Perhaps because of the extra noise in the room, White Hinterland's most successful songs were the more rousing songs from the record, "Dreaming of the Plum Trees" and "Napoleon At Waterloo". Which makes sense, but is a real shame. Because the mood set by the candle lanterns and white Christmas lights in lieu of stage lighting could have delivered something extraordinary if the entire audience was intent on listening. Next time I'm thinking The Living Room, Rockwood Music Hall, or Joe's Pub... someplace where there are people who appreciate the lovely balance of dark/light, loud/quiet, catchy/thoughtful, that is White Hinterland.
If you'd like to experience the loquacious losers at this show for yourself, or would like to see more pictures, there's lots waiting for you after the jump...

"Dreaming of the Plum Trees" (from Phylactery Factory)
"I Miss You" (originally by Björk, from Stereogum's tribute to Post)
"A Beast Washed Ashore" (live from this show) on YouTube | download QT
See also:
Band of the Week: White Hinterland (Exclusive EF Interview)
See more pictures of White Hinterland (from this show) HERE.
Visit White Hinterland on MySpace.
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