valentine's day EAR FARM's Muxtape #6: Songs that used to live in my TV set

valentine's day valentine's day
Jimmy Jet And His TV Set
by Shel Silverstein

I'll tell you the story of Jimmy Jet --
And you know what I tell you is true.
He loved to watch his TV set
Almost as much as you.

He watched all day, he watched all night
Till he grew pale and lean,
From "The Early Show" to "The Late Late Show"
And all the shows between.

He watched till his eyes were frozen wide,
And his bottom grew into his chair.
And his chin turned into a tuning dial,
And antennae grew out of his hair.

And his brains turned into TV tubes,
And his face to a TV screen.
And two knobs saying "VERT." and "HORIZ."
Grew where his ears had been.

And he grew a plug that looked like a tail
So we plugged in little Jim.
And now instead of him watching TV
We all sit around and watch him.

You can listen to this mix/mux right HERE.

EAR FARM's Muxtape #6: Songs that used to live in my TV set
1. "Scooby Doo"
2. "Airwolf"
3. "Tales From The Crypt"
4. "The Muppet Show"
5. "Dr. Who Theme"
6. "Who’s The Boss?"
7. "Growing Pains"
8. "Wonder Woman"
9. "Looney Toons"
10. "Fraggle Rock"
11. "Knight Rider"
12. "Theme From The A Team"

*above picture of Jimmy Jet from HERE.

See also:
EAR FARM's Muxtape #1: 12 Songs For A Cat Named Joe
EAR FARM's Muxtape #2: April Fools Edition!
EAR FARM's Muxtape #3: Fank Fod it's Friday and Finally Fpring!
EAR FARM's Muxtape #4: Rock Band Setlist
EAR FARM's Muxtape #5: 2:42
A Muxtape is a simple way to create and share mixtapes. That's all there is to it. Feel free to share your own mix in the comments.

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