valentine's day Book Group

valentine's day valentine's day

Book Group.....really just an excuse to get together with friends I have known for 10 years or more. Ever since we met when our kids were in preschool. The kids ended up in different schools with different friends and interests....but we Moms just kept getting together. Once a month. We have long since abandoned any sort of Book Group protocal. We do assign a book, but whether it is read or not is not really the point. Sometimes we discuss it...somtimes we don't. Mostly we just get the temperature of what our kids are going through and what we are going through as a result. What our relationships are doing...where they are going or not going with our spouses. We have talked over the divorces, the new boyfriends. Two of my friends have weathered bouts of breast cancer and all that that entails. There have been career changes, parents passing, exciting travels, kids' high school graduations. You

Like I said....the books are a great excuse, but hardly the point.

Here was my pick for the book group we just had last night at my house:

valentine's day valentine's day

A wonderful perspective on this woman's life and her courage, joys and sorrows in living it.

Enjoy your weekend!

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