valentine's day Narnia Obsession Part III

Listening to: Battle at Aslan's How - The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
Last watched: The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (again)


This time I went with Zhia Ern and Vina to watch, what? PRINCE CASPIAN~!

For Vina, it was her first time.

Zhia Ern, her second time.


*insert evil laughter here*

And yes people, I am crazy. And no, I don't know what's my problem. I don't even know why am I so OBSESSED over Narnia. I just made history in my life! Narnia: Prince Caspian is the first movie that I've watched it THRICE in the cinema.

I just promised not to blog about Narnia again but I'm eating my own words -_-

MY IMMENSE GRATITUDE TO ZHIA ERN because she treated me and Vina to watch Narnia 2. It was free! And I'm someone who loves free stuff :P THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. I think by now, my slavering hunger for Narnia 2 is truly gratified.

I really loved the audience in the cinema, NO PHONES RANG. Ah~ But there were still annoying kids who love stomping their feet -_- I EVEN SAT IN THE SAME CINEMA, SAME ROW, SAME SEAT LIKE MY SECOND TIME. Check the tickets and compare it with the picture I took in the post below.

valentine's day valentine's day Milk: Proof enough for you? Haha. You now officially owe me that wall of Caspy!

I really don't believe this AGAIN. ITS BEEN MORE THAN HALF A MONTH SINCE NARNIA 2 PREMIERED. We went for the 12.30pm show, the cinema we were in was ALMOST FULL. And the next show, which was at 3.45pm, was FULLY BOOKED O.O That's it, most of them MUST be rewatchers. Haha.


After the show, here's the CRAZY THING WE DID.

We went to MPH bookstore to scour for some magazines to see if any of them provided a poster of Prince Caspian........ none. Okay, fine. I then remembered the huge poster of Caspy that was on display at the glass window a few days ago. It was gone too.

Then Zhia Ern and Vina DARED me to go ask the workers for the poster of Caspy, see if we could take the poster home.


But too bad, they said they already returned the poster to the headquarters. ARGH.

After that we went walking around the mall...........


valentine's day valentine's day
Zhia Ern NEARLY tempted me to ask the workers at Kenny Roger's whether I can take that poster home. Haha. Caspy devouring the pasta with his blade~

But anyway, I bought the Galaxie magazine cause CASPY'S IN IT.

valentine's day valentine's day
valentine's day valentine's day HOT.HOT.HOT. *_*

Oh yeah, and my mom said that CASPY IS HAWWWWT. Milk! You reading this??? *dies of laughter*


Now this section of the post is dedicated to May Jet, who begged me to blog about her DEAR PETER PEVENSIE~

valentine's day valentine's day
valentine's day valentine's day
Hot enough for you? :D

valentine's day valentine's day Thanks to Milk for this pic.

Its sho funny lol.

Sigh, wish that Edmund would get more spotlight too D:

-Okay, this is officially my last post about Narnia, promise-

I'm really sick of popcorns now.

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