Last watched: Special A episode 9
Can't wait to get rid of my lembu license.
I've went through 3 lessons so far, and I already feel like a pro. Especially when I get to speed up to almost 80km/h on a wide road with no cars. Weeeeee. Joy.
One more lesson to go before the real test. I hope I don't screw up anything, especially the slope. I don't get it, when I first learned the slope, it was fun. But now, its downright intimidating.
I think it must be the sports shoes I wore today. The sole is quite thick, and I always feel that the clutch has already been fully released, when actually it hasn't -_- My car ended up reversing all the way down the slope. BUGGER.
Anyway, I get a day off from school cause of the driving test.
Wish me luck next Thursday!
On Tuesday, Wennie gave me 2 HUGE Narnia posters. OMG. *dies of bliss* You know this is the advantage when your dad is the General Manager of a cinema. You get to KEEP movie posters.
Thanks again, Wennie. I love your dad.
When my mom saw me taking the posters home, she was like "Oh, posters of that....what, Prince Charming?" And I was like "LOLOL No, Ma, its Prince Caspian. Though I don't mind if you call him that."
Its official, all the moms love Caspy. *sighs blissfully*
And now, the problem is....
Where to stick the posters?
The posters are SERIOUSLY HUGE. Its almost half my bed size. And my bed is a double-bed. My wall doesn't have enough space. Shit.
I think I'll just stick one poster on the wall directly opposite of my bed and leave the other one under my bed.
Ahhh~ Imagine waking up every morning with this image of immense intensity glaring at you.
Beautiful, shiny posters.
Love. Them.
Love. Them.
Parents Day was yesterday. Its funny, you'd think its the day where you show your love to both your parents but NO. Its card day - your parents have to come to school and collect your report card, glare at your results and burn down the whole country.
Nah, fortunately, my dad didn't really say anything.
He just said the teacher commented that I should improve more on my Add Maths. I mean, HELLO?? It's Add Maths. Improvement isn't needed, IMO. Getting a double-digit failure is already an accomplishment to me :) Sorry father, your daughter is a genuine maths retard.
I think if I get an A1 for my Add Maths, my dad can buy me a bungalow already. (= impossible)
There's this totally weird thing that happened. When my dad came to my class to pick me up, Emylia was like "OMG, so lengzhai (handsome)." I was like, "Wha-? O.o" LOL.
And apparently, June seconds Emylia.
You see?
Nyaha. I have a handsome dad. *perasan*
P/S Mish, I am done editing that story of ours. Get your ass on ASAP!
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