valentine's day Driving issues

♫ Listening to: Egao no Wake - Hikita Kaori
Last watched: Rozen Maiden episode 7


Yes, now I truly admit, driving IS terrifying.

What happened today? Well I didn't kill anyone (yet) that's for sure. Nor were there any casualties. I'm just not freakin' used to driving my mom's car! *screams*

I think I've regained some energy enough for driving. But my legs still tire easily from pressing the clutch, accelerator and brake.

After driving the little Kancil car for like, more than 10 hours or so, I'm used to the coordinations of the car and so on. But when I got into my mom's Wira, there's this total different, unnerving feeling I get. For once, I noticed that my mom's car is BIG and LONG.

It took me a few brakes and dangerous swerves to get use to my mom's car a little, but it was TERRIFYING! And there was my mom, sitting beside me, screaming.

I was already on the verge of having a nervous breakdown, trying hard to concentrate and my mom was SCREAMING. Geez.

Screaming for her life, of course.

In the Kancil, I can speed up till 90km/h. Yes seriously, no joke. 90km/h. Thats why I told you I felt like a pro. I thought I had inherited my dad's driving genes.

But in my mom's car, I just couldn't. I didn't even dare to move the gear to number 3. The engine was already dragging but I was just scared of doing anything else besides driving.

Oh and I nearly crashed into a car.

For the very first time in my life, I'm afraid of driving.

Is this bad?

Is it normal for someone to NOT get used to driving another person's car?

Shouldn't the feeling be the same? I mean, its just driving.

Right now I just wish my mom would get me a second-hand Kancil or any small, mini sized car. Its easier to handle. I seriously cannot imagine those people driving four wheel drives -or- *gulps* buses and lorries. Its like..... Oh. My. Gawd.


Scratch "Professional" away. Right now, I'm sticking to "Potential killer".

DO NOT, by any chance, pass by my neighbourhood during Saturday and Sunday afternoons. Cause thats my driving practice time. I might kill you. Oh and if you spot any dangerous moving cars whose driver is a complete klutz, that might be me.


You know, I'm starting to think that auto-cars were created for this very purpose - to save people who can't use manual-cars properly.

But there's no way in a million years is my dad gonna let me drive his VIOS. His VIOS = His 2nd wife. Boohoo to that.

Am I the only one suffering from this "not-used-to-driving-other-cars-besides-Kancil" issue???

*starts planting mushrooms in a dark corner*

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