valentine's day Thankyou, Thankyou !!!!

Lady luck has been shining on me lately! It just makes my day when I look on my front porch and see a brown package with my name on it, addressed in someone's personal handwriting. I was so happy to receive this:

valentine's day valentine's day

From these fabulous bloggers:

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Design Boner is the blogging team of Porcelain (Katie) and Cardboard (Jessica) who are very talented and creative, especially in the realm of photography. They have weekly photo mosaics that they share with all of us (Lucky us!) and also share their love of designer-y finds. Well, they had a little birthday sweepstakes. They were giving away something "nice and pretty" and something "hahahaha". Lucky me! I won "nice and pretty"! (Although I am very curious about "hahaha", what was it girls?!?!)

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Now how did they know I love this color?

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I think it looks very "nice and pretty" on my hall table.

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It matches my eggs.

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I almost lost the rock at the bottom of the box. But I have this habit of searching boxes thoroughly before throwing them away. After the diamond incident, I can't be too careful. Isn't it cute? (It even looks a little like their namesake.)

Thank you so much Jessica and Katie! I love it! I hope you had a fabulous birthday!

But Lady Luck did not stop there! I received this very lovely package from Diana Muse. I think Design bloggers have got to be some of the best gift wrappers around. I love this postcard!

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Diana has one of the most lovely and inspirational blogs I have seen. Her images are wonderful and her sidebar is full of very thought provoking quotes.

Diana did a post about Moleskins, those essential little notebooks used by those who want to capture a thought, an idea, a moment on paper. She also had a sweepstakes, and lucky me, I received this:

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My very first official Moleskin! I am so pleased and I cannot wait to fill it up with all the wonderful, crazy, silly, serious, happy, sad things that come my way.

Thank you so very much Diana!

And please, if you haven't already, I think it's about time you paid a visit to these very brilliant bloggers, don't you?

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