valentine's day This week's updates.

♫ Listening to: Resonance - T.M. Revolution
Last watched: Nabari no Ou episode 11


Streamyx can never stop being an arse, it seems.

The freakin' connection has been down since Friday afternoon, or Thursday I suspect, but argh it was so damn frustrating to sit in front of a computer that can't even connect to the internet.

Anyway, I'm glad that my internet is back. My life is back. Yay.

And you know what? I fell sick again. Dammit. This is becoming a habit.

I was already having this terrible headache on Wednesday afternoon. I went to tuition half dead. And when I came back from tuition, I vomited everything I ate into the toilet bowl. It was disgusting.

"Oh hullo again, Mr. Fever."

Cheese and whiskers. I REALLY HATE GETTING A FEVER!!!!!!!

Must be the durians I ate on Tuesday. Sigh. I thought that I was fully recovered already so it was ok to glut on durians (since its been a while since I last had durians). Who knew my fucking fever would come back.

Missed school for two days again. My school work is in jeopardy -_-

On a side note, I was able to sit in front of the tv for two days. After I had rested of course.

I'm getting addicted to the series Bones and Keeping Up with the Kardashians. Bones is something like CSI, just that they're dealing with lotsa skeletons instead of bodies. Quite engaging. Keeping Up with the Kardashians is plain scandalous and fun! Lotsa beeping, aka, censoring cause of the swearing, but pfft, who cares.

Living Lohan was not bad too. Its a reality series on Lindsay Lohan's mother, Dina Lohan and her sister, Ali Lohan. I had NO IDEA that Dina Lohan reads through the tabloids every morning just to make sure no one spurts defamatory remarks at her daughter. And Ali Lohan is just like an exact copy of Lindsay! The way she talks, the way she acts, its really similar to her sister. But somehow I find Ali's looks more....forgettable.

Why am I gossiping on movie stars btw? O.o

I must be really bored.

Oh yeah, an update on my driving, people!

I've gotten used to my mom's car already so now, I've fallen in love with driving AGAIN. Weeeeeeee~!

One thing I find distasteful is mom LOVES to pok pek when I drive.

"Oi, you must STOP at every turning junction!"

"Signal! Signal!!!!"

"Turn slowly. Turn carefully."

"Go there!! GO THERE!!! OVER THERE."

"Slow down slow down. Drive so fast for what? You're just a newbie."

THAT'S IT. When I'm driving alone, I'm driving in the FAST LANE. I can't get even a lil fun while driving when my mom is sitting right beside me. Geez.

I gotta ask my mom to tell me the way to Overseas Restaurant from my school, cause I promised Tracy I'd drive her there when I can drive to school alone. Poor girl, she has to walk all the way to Overseas alone under the hot sun. Don't worry Trace, I'll be your killer saviour :)


I'm happily finishing the Narnia books. (Wow, my Currently Reading list is SO LONG O.O)

I've finished The Magician's Nephew, The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe, The Horse and His Boy, and Prince Caspian. I'm still contemplating whether I should continue reading Voyage of the Dawn Treader or not. Because I don't wanna spoil the movie that's coming out in 2010......

Bah, for Narnia's sake, I'll just read it. Though I have to say this, I really hate C.S. Lewis' portrayal of Susan's character in the books -_-

(Ohmigosh, I've turned into a Narnia geek O.O both in movies and books. Nyaha.)

P/S Disney Channel's showing Narnia: The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe tonight at 7pm! I dunno why I'm excited even though I've watched it since like, years ago. Looks like I'll be glued to the tv tonight :)

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