Last watched: Soul Eater episode 17
Yes, I bear the shame of showing you my horrendous IC photo taken when I was only 12.
I look like a freakin' insomniac!
And I can't believe I actually let the hairdresser cut that hideous mushroom hairstyle for me. Like..... Ew.
What I wouldn't give to go back in time and give pre-teenager me a good slap on the face. Cause right now I hate my IC photo. Had always been ever since it was taken.
Well at least I get to change my IC photo next year! Can't wait to get rid of my hideous past.
valentine's day
valentine's day
Major difference is that I snipped away my long hair somewhere in June 2006! Do I look any different in Form 4 and Form 5? I have side-parting now, if you noticed.
I'm gonna get myself bangs tomorrow. Woohoo! Will probably post a pic about it provided that it isn't a hairy disaster. People, don't be shocked when you see me on Monday.
Why am I talking about myself, you ask. I'm BORED, okay? Nothing significant happened this week.
And no, I haven't transformed into those pathetic self-loving camwhores you see on the net. Can't a girl just talk about herself? *flashes innocent smile*
Vina, it was your talk about how everyone has changed since last year that inspired this blog post :)
Anyway, I was rummaging through folders of old pictures and vids and I realized that I haven't posted this particular weird vid on my blog.
Remember my gotong-royong activity during the beginning of May? Yup, the drain cleaning one. Click [here] to refer.
I look like a freakin' insomniac!
And I can't believe I actually let the hairdresser cut that hideous mushroom hairstyle for me. Like..... Ew.
What I wouldn't give to go back in time and give pre-teenager me a good slap on the face. Cause right now I hate my IC photo. Had always been ever since it was taken.
Well at least I get to change my IC photo next year! Can't wait to get rid of my hideous past.
Me in FORM 3 (2006)

Me (middle) in Form 4, March 2007

Me, left, in Form 5, this year.
Major difference is that I snipped away my long hair somewhere in June 2006! Do I look any different in Form 4 and Form 5? I have side-parting now, if you noticed.
I'm gonna get myself bangs tomorrow. Woohoo! Will probably post a pic about it provided that it isn't a hairy disaster. People, don't be shocked when you see me on Monday.
Why am I talking about myself, you ask. I'm BORED, okay? Nothing significant happened this week.
And no, I haven't transformed into those pathetic self-loving camwhores you see on the net. Can't a girl just talk about herself? *flashes innocent smile*
Vina, it was your talk about how everyone has changed since last year that inspired this blog post :)
Anyway, I was rummaging through folders of old pictures and vids and I realized that I haven't posted this particular weird vid on my blog.
Remember my gotong-royong activity during the beginning of May? Yup, the drain cleaning one. Click [here] to refer.
And this was how we cleaned the drain.....
You ABSOLUTELY can't miss my GRAND APPEARANCE on the left!!!
Cause no one else pops up from the left save for me.
P/S Code Geass R2 ep 17 has intensified my intense hatred for... who else? Kururugi Suzaku. A bloody asshole who just refuses to die. How dare you crush my precious Lulu's head to the ground with your stinking feet?? Such blasphemy! FUCK YOU, SUZAKU. FUCK YOU.
PP/S Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremony tonight! 8/8/2008, 8:08pm. Haha.
PP/S Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremony tonight! 8/8/2008, 8:08pm. Haha.
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