valentine's day Design Icon: Frank Gehry and the Princeton Lewis Library

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Model of the Lewis Library found here

The Lewis Library designed by legendary architect Frank Gehry is slated to open this September 11th with the dedication planned for Thursday November 2oth. The edgy and eye catching design, which certainly lives up to the Gehry reputation, is named for Peter B. Lewis, Princeton class of 1955. Mr. Lewis, a Princeton trustee and Chairman of the Board for the Progressive Corp., one of the nation's leading auto insurer's, has gifted $60 million for the construction of the library and it's programs.

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To get the full story of this latest amazing Gehry creation, you can read more here.

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Photo by Brian Wilson

According to the Daily Princetonian, the construction process, which started in 2004, has not been without it's share of controversy. Two years behind schedule, with a new contractor finishing the process, it is quite an interesting story. To read just what was happening behind the scenes, click here and here.

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Photo by Brian Wilson

But, regardless of the obstacles, it looks like it is going to be a huge win for Princeton this Fall. GO TEAM!

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