valentine's day First accident.

Listening to: Changin' - Stephanie
Last watched: Neo Angelique Abyss episode 1


And I finally got my first bang. I'm a legend.

But technically, it wasn't my fault. I think.

It happened on Thursday afternoon, when I was driving home from school as usual. When I reached this T-Junction, this car wanted to turn out. I was in the straight lane. I saw the car accelerated a little, and then it stopped.

I was like, "Oh shit, this car wanna turn out. Better go faster, don't let it wait." So I stepped on my accelerator a little more.

valentine's day valentine's day
BUT (Dontcha hate 'buts')

Like I wasn't even there. Like I was totally transparent. Like he was blind in the right eye.

I was shocked. Couldn't brake in time. My first instinct was to turn the car to avoid impact, but I was too late. My car's right light broke, and my bumper flew off. Pieces of glass was on the ground. Total WTF-ness.

The asshole drove past me with a huge dent on his car door, and sorta stopped behind me. Fine, since he stopped, I decided to stop my car too. To negotiate. When I just parked my car, HE DROVE OFF. Like what the fuck man, you just drove out and banged my car and right now you're driving off? Did your balls got cut off or what???

I didn't care, I got down my car, locked it, and ran after the car like a mad woman. Thankfully, there was a huge jam at the junction the asshole was trying to turn into. I caught up just in time. I banged on his car door and shouted "Hey you banged my car!"

He said "I'll wait for you in front of the restaurant. My dad is coming."

Bloody hell.

Okay, so I met the boy's parents. His dad was a kind man, but his mom was a fucking old hag. She glared me down with those murderous eyes. And I was already feeling belligerent. The whole family were cantonese-speaking freaks, I couldn't rebut back. I can manage basic Canto, but if you want me to use Canto to talk fast and argue, I can't. Seriously can't.

How I wish Tracy was with me. Or Agnes. Both of them are damn good at pok pekking back.

The mom blamed me. Just because her son got his license for one year and I got mine for just two months. She said it must be my fault for driving too fast. But you know what was hilarious about that? The son couldn't even speak up! He didn't speak at all.

Before I seriously felt like poking the woman's eyes out, my parents came. THANK GOD. His dad and my dad decided to compromise and pay for our own damage, since both were at fault. Oh, so its a fault to drive in my own lane and accelerate a little faster to not let a car at a junction wait for long. Fucking perfect explanation.

I should really shove the undang book in the old hag's face. "PRIORITY SHOULD BE GIVEN TO CARS DRIVING IN THE STRAIGHT LANE WHEN YOU'RE AT THE JUNCTION."

Ugh. I'm just so fed up. Went into depression after returning home.

But I'm glad my parents didn't blame me. My dad even laughed. He said "Haha, just two months only and you already got this experience." Now, is that a good or bad thing? You tell me.


Excluding that minor accident, Thursday was actually a very good day. It started off with Vina and I talking about sex in the chemistry lab. Hm. Must be our hormones running wild or something. Then in the biology lab, Agnes, Vina and I talked about boys. And more sex. Haha.

Tracy even posed this question: "Would you want to have sex with an experienced man or an inexperienced man?"

O.o Uh. Inexperienced. I want my hubby to be a virgin. I want to be his first and him to be my first.

Vina's reply: "Inexperienced. I CANNOT IMAGINE my husband's dick in another girl's vagina before. Ew."

Hahahahaha. Ditto, girl.



valentine's day valentine's day Timetable for the 3 week-long exam thats stuck on my fridge.

That's only the first page.

So guys, this will be my last post before the trials. I won't be able to update my blog for 3 weeks. Don't worry, its not gonna be left dead. Its just a blogging hiatus. I'll be back after trials are over :)

Now commenced.

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