valentine's day Fun at Bowling Alley.

♫ Listening to: Ichijin no Kaze - Kikuchi Hajime
Last watched: Soul Eater episode 25

Last night was really a load of random fun!

Vina, Mayshan, Tracy, Wennie, Zi Lin, Pui San, June, Bao Zhou Po and I went for a bowling session at Jusco's bowling alley. Ah. Just like last year. Good ol' times.

I really can't believe that its been exactly one year since we last been to the bowling alley! And this might be the very last time we're going to the bowling alley together as high school students. This totally sucks.

Enough of my sentimental crap. On with the story.

We took a ridiculous amount of 77 pictures at the bowling alley. Camwhoring + bowling fun if you ask me. Haha.

Why am I always the camera-woman and photo uploader? :(

We split up into groups of two, each consisting of four members. And we had two lanes for ourselves.

The game started with Zi Lin and Bao Zhou Po!
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DO NOT LOOK DOWN ON THE BOTH OF THEM. They are bloody good at bowling. Probably the best in our gang.

NEXT UP! Wennie and I.

Uh. But I dunno why was Tracy choosing her ball so early.

I dunno who took this series of shots but seriously, I had no idea the three of us took such a long time choosing our balls!

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And when I've finally chosen my ball....

They're not done yet.
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AND HO! Lucky me got a STRIKE!!
I'm the first one in the group to get a strike!
valentine's day valentine's day Just because the screen displays Amanda as "Ama", Vina and June have been calling me "Ama" ever since -___-

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Together with Pui San.
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She's taking her time choosing her ball.
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Finally we got a picture of her bowling. Last year I only got a picture of her bola masuk longkang LOL.

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Finally. A decent shot of her bowling pose. If you compare it with last year's shot.....
valentine's day valentine's day That looks like tossing instead of bowling. Kuakua.

Around 9pm, June showed up wearing a yellow coat, looking very much like the manager of our bowling team.
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Random shot of bowling balls.
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Miss Manager scrutinizing the score board.
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Wondering whose the victim of my bola-masuk-longkang shot this time?

valentine's day valentine's day Her defeated look captured on camera. Woot.
Mayshan, this was not taken by me though. Don't kill me. I think it was Vina.

Camwhoring at the bowling alley.

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Tracy and I choosing balls again. Haha.
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June the Manager showing off her bowling skills!
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A shot of Wennie and I onlooking the bowling alley.
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A flash-brightened version of just now's shot.
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LOL Vina doing the loser shot. She got the lowest mark in our group.
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Mayshan and I both got 57 marks.

And Zi Lin, the indisputable bowling expert in our group, got 138 marks!!!


Loser and winner shot. Haha. (that sounded mean.)
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- END -

Eh, I just realized, besides the bowling shots, Tracy isn't in any of the camwhoring shots O.o Where were you Tracy? Forgot to take picture with you :(

I really have to demand payment from them all for this post. It took me 1 hour to resize all photos, edit some to put the words in, and finally blog them all. Phew.

P/S This month's Arena magazine is giving out a Code Geass R2 poster!! I nearly screamed when I just opened the magazine randomly to check out for Code Geass posters. Never thought my wish actually came true. Yay.

valentine's day valentine's day Argh. Why the fuck is Karen there. She's an eyesore between Lulu and C.C.

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