valentine's day New layout: Hino x Tsukimori

Listening to: Diamond Crevasse - May'n
Last watched: Neo Angelique Abyss episode 4

I should be having a blogging hiatus but anyway, I dunno why, I had this sudden itch to change my blog layout.

This layout is my own, I decided to feature Tsukimori Len cause I haven't done anything to him since my obsession and I've already used Lulu before.

You can finally have your hubby back, Mayshan. Haha.

Best viewed in 1280 x 1024 resolution.

Those who are using 1024 x 768, I've made the left box semi-transparent so that you can at least see Kahoko.

I also have a lovely array of icons above :)


Okay, maybe I'll change my status to 'semi-hiatus'. Next week is quite relaxing, the subs aren't that tough, and we have Wednesday + Thursday off! Which means, no school! Muahahaha.

Study study study. I hate it.

I might blog on Wednesday or Thursday again. Depends.

P/S Its the Mid-Autumn Festival this Sunday! Happy celebrating everyone :) Right, and I'm addicted to Gossip Girl! Vina and June couldn't stop talking about it in school today -_- Tempted me to watch it. First episode already got lotsa kissing and groping scenes. Woo~

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