valentine's day Trials just over.

♫ Listening to: I Became A Bird - Hitomi - Code Geass R2
Last watched: Zero no Tsukaima s3 episode 12 (END)

Ohmigod ohmigod ohmigod.

My SPM trials are over, people! Wow, was it really 3 weeks? I somehow find it unbelievably. Before trials I was actually dreading the 3 weeks of hell, and I had no idea how was I going to survive. But now, I really can't believe, 3 weeks, passed by, just like that. I can finally crawl outta my hermit shell! *twirls around*

Well since my trials are over, I'm not gonna blog about my exams. That would only ruin my holidaying mood. The Raya holidays are next week - one whole week of ENJOYMENT!!

But of course I have to plan another study timetable. I actually planned one last year during that PDL course. Now that paper dunno fly where already.

And amazingly, within that 3 weeks of trials, I managed to finish Trinity Blood, Special A, xxxHolic, and just now, Zero no Tsukaima: Princesses no Rondo! Bwahahaha.

Anyway, the long-awaited Code Geass R2 Soundtrack 2 IS OUT!!!!!!! Woooooot.

valentine's day valentine's day
Finally. All the tracks in the anime are now in my hands. *cackles* Another awesome release, even the cover is awesome too! Would cha just look at that, C.C sleeping on Lulu's lap. Awww. I can't believe I'm saying this but, I actually think Suzaku's new outfit looks better than Lulu's emperor outfit. Lulu looks like some Arabian king. Haha.

I like more songs here in this soundtrack compared to the first one. Cause most of the songs left deep impressions in me due to the many tragic events.

The best songs in the soundtrack are undubitably the first song and the last song.

1. I Became A Bird - Hitomi (OMG ROLO!!!!! *cries* I still feel like crying whenever I hear this song. That was how powerful the effect of this music is to me. The starting was slow, then it got REALLY GOOD in the middle. Rolo, why, why did you have to die.)

10.What Is Justice (Tragic song, accompanied by the awesome violin again. I just love violins.)

12. Showdown (Haven't heard this one before, but the song gets better towards the end.)

14. Subchairman (This song just brings back so many memories to me. The first ep of Code Geass R2!!!!! Lulu running~ Weee. Go Lulu!)

17. Cheese (Haha for some reason, this song is amusing. C.C's cheese-kun!)

20. Eternal Seperation (The song played during FLEIJA's explosion and also during the scene where Rolo saved Lulu before he was about to be killed in ep19. Sad, really.)

24. Memory Museum (This song has that mysterious feeling about it. Sounds like something outta Harry Potter.)

25. Nunnally - Hitomi (I love Hitomi's songs!! She rocks. This one is peaceful.)

27. Misconduct (Angsty song. Love it.)

28. Check Mate (Angstier song. LOVE IT MORE.)

30. Continued Story - Hitomi (BEST SONG NEXT TO 'I BECAME A BIRD'! I think this would be the ending song for ep25....which will be out next week....)

Right... now I'm gonna blog about....

------------CODE GEASS R2 EP 24----------
Spoilers ahead. Don't read or scroll down if you haven't watch ep24.
(highlight to read)


valentine's day valentine's day
Wow. I sorta saw that coming but still I can't help but scream WTF in front of my comp. Her eyes are so big O.O

So what now? She declares herself as Lulu's enemy. I'm just curious, when she just opened her eyes, does she even realize that her bro is so effing hot? If I were her, I'd go all incesty over him. Shit. I did not just say that.

And I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm totally okay with Suzaku now. I'm actually hoping he survives the battle with him against Gino and Karen and PWN their asses. Damn. Sunrise is hella good at making characters redeem themselves. Suzaku went from like "I WILL KILL LELOUCH." to "I WILL PROTECT HIM AND BE HIS SWORD." 720 degrees character turn, if you ask me. Anyone who protects Lulu has my liking.

Karen, initially yes. But now she's a plain idiot. Just like Nunnally. Karen annoyed me more the moment she crashed in and interrupted the LuluxC.C scene. I was pretty sure Lulu and C.C were going to hug or kiss or do something affectionate but BANG! She had to stick her big butt in. Ugh.

There goes for KarenxLulu fans out there. Bwahahaha. I've never liked that pairing anyway. Really hate the KarenxLulu hintings through the season. C.C remains loyal to Lulu till the very end so its LuluxC.C all the way!!

--------------END OF SPOILERS----------------

Code Geass R2 is ending NEXT WEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!!

I'm so scared! What if Lulu dies? I already see many people predicting so. God I hope its not true. I so do not wanna be sending out text messages to all my classmates that he died, regardless of whether they watch Code Geass or not.

Lulu better have a happy ending. C.C better be his queen. They better tell C.C's name.

If they fail to fulfill all three conditions above, I swear to God I'll fucking bomb Sunrise.

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