valentine's day Anna's gift

Listening to: Namida - Chiaki Ishikawa
Last watched: Linebarrels of Iron episode 2

Anna I've received your gift!!

*skips around happily*

Wow, you sealed up the box so tightly that I had to ask my sis to help me unseal it. Haha. And was I shocked to see what you sent me.....

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A beautiful C.C figurine!!

I squealed in joy, even though its not Lulu. C.C's considered one of my favourite characters in the show.

Its so preeeeeeeeeeeeetty.

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It was my sis who assembled all her body parts up. I was busy reading your letter :)

Thank you so much Anna. I love you!!

I'll try my best to find something nice to send back to you!

"Lelouch, wouldn't you like a piece of pizza?"
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Bwahahaha. That's so moe.

I'm wondering, with his Geass active, will Lelouch see C.C all reddish like this in his eyes?
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I didn't photoshop the picture above by the way. The picture just suddenly came out all reddish like this O.o Hm.


valentine's day valentine's day Lol. This is my furball which was somewhere beside C.C's figure.

I just needed a reason to camwhore. Haha.


Anyway, I'm suppose to publish my friend's essay here on my blog since my classmates all agreed that it was a good idea. Mayshan was bugging me already last night, so.... here it is.

This essay is written by my classmate. I'm not inclined to divulge her name here, to protect her maybe? Haha. Her English isn't considered very good but hell, this is the most entertaining essay I've ever read in years. My friends and I were all laughing the entire day reading this essay. Because its just so freakin' hilarious.

If you have the time, please, READ IT. It's REALLY very very funny. And its just 1 page and a half.
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My classmate is a girl by the way. Just so you know :)

P/S June, Julius Caesar is HOTTER than Augustus Caesar.

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