valentine's day Trials results.

Listening to: At the Beginning - Anastasia
Last watched: Tales of the Abyss episode 1

This whole week was really.... crazy? Tiring? Depressing?

Possibly a freaky combination of all three.

Results, results.... where to start?

Oh yeah. I am bloody frustrated with my Malay. I am one mark away from my beautiful A2, which is 74. WTF man. And my teacher can't just give me that one mark out of sympathy. I wanna bang my head on the wall. If I hadn't made those stupid stupid mistakes I would be laughing in glee right now, rejoicing over another A. Fuck fuck fuck.

Chemistry, Bio, Physics....... I scored average marks for them. I'm kinda shocked that my Physics marks is the highest among the three Science subs, cause I paid the least attention on it. I mean c'mon, its a freakin' guy subject.

Add Maths? 100000000000000% double digit fail with a 9G. Stupid. Just because of this one subject it marred my entire trials results.

History.... I did my worst this time. Cause its so tough! 19 chapters to study. And I'm positively sure that after F5 chapter 6 I have no idea what the fuck is going on in the following chapters. Everyone did terribly it seems. Our class, only 18 people passed History. The horror. (thank god I'm one of those 18 people)

Chinese - 52. Bahahaha. Nothing to say for Chinese. We bananas in class are accustomed to such horrible marks. Vina, June and Cassie, I love you guys :3

The exam fever is finally sinking into our class. Almost everyone's studying during free periods. And for the very first time in AMC history, our class became soooooo quiet that it shocked me. It was almost like exam-silence, where you can only hear the sound of the fans above.

I can't stand this level of silence. It's freaking me out.

Just casual chatting about animes with Wennie today made me felt incongruous. Both of us went so high chatting but we couldn't do those loud crazy laughters. We had to laugh silently. Without sound. Cause we're afraid we might disturb the bunch of nerds. Laughing without sound, it takes a lot of skills. Haha.


There's too many hot anime guys this fall. Even though I'm suppose to be mourning over Lulu, I can't resist.

Sebastian is sooo charming, even as a butler.
valentine's day valentine's day
How come all butlers aren't like him?? In shows, I usually see old men as butlers...

Gundam 00 2nd season. One word, HOLY COW.
All four of the main characters are totally, (according to my banana sis and I quote), drool-worthy.
valentine's day valentine's day From left: Tieria, Allelujah, Lockon, Setsuna

They weren't even that hot in Season 1.

Ah. The beauty of testosterone in men~

I've always liked Tieria since season 1. Setsuna, a little. I mean, I have to. Its Miyano Mamoru's role! Squee. I might actually insert Allelujah into my favourites list too. Lockon.... freaks me out. He should be dead, right?


31 more days till SPM!!!!



*stabs self*

*vomits blood*

Oh. By the way.

Good luck to all Form 3 students who are taking PMR next Monday. All the best guys!

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