valentine's day Frog dissection.

Listening to: Monochrome no Kiss - SID
Last watched: none.

My hands were stained with blood.

My body filled with guilt.

My soul tainted with the filthy sin of murder..... We dissected two big fat frogs today!!! Gosh.

Class today actually started out very normally, just like any other day.

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Only..... we came to class and realize that all the chairs in our classroom vanished without a trace.

Ohmigosh, look at the nerds studying without chairs.
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Around 8.30am, we all fled to the Bio Lab to begin our froggie dissection!!

WARNING - Images of explicit violence and gore.
DO NOT VIEW with a full stomach.

valentine's day valentine's day June: Hey, let's name these two poor froggies.
Tracy: One is Alexander, the other is Julius Caesar.
Me: Alexander? As in, Alexander the Gay? (He's gay, did you know?)
Tracy: Hahaha yeah.
Me: What about Augustus?
June: Yerrr I like Augustus, don't want to name froggies after him.

In the lab, waiting for the teacher to come.
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Mr. Skeleton says Hi from his glass cupboard.
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Vina and Wennie took a vid of me and Bao Zhou Po trying to sedate the frogs with chloroform.

Scary. Careful of jumping frogs! expression of disgust captured on camera.
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Tracy helping the teacher to lay out the dissection tray and tools.
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We pinned the froggie down with nails. We're so cruel.
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Cutting off the first layer skin.
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This is another frog. The frog which I dissected!
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Vina playing with my camera with Yi Xuen.
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Bao Zhou Po looking pleased with herself.valentine's day valentine's day
I'm dissecting a frog! OMG.
valentine's day valentine's day Mayshan: Amanda, have you ever considered being a forensic scientist?
Me: Uh.... no.....

Haha look, even Miss Chin, our Maths teacher came to the lab to peek.
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More dissecting.....
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I handed the tools to Jin Yee.
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Yi Xuen wants to dissect too!
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Mayshan being the wimpy chicken she is. Hahahahaha. (that was mean.)
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There was one moment when we just finished dissecting the frog's skin, it started moving!! OMG. Can you imagine the pain it felt??

So we dumped the cotton wool soaked with choloform over its head.

And it looked like this.
valentine's day valentine's day Lol. Like a sunbathing frog.

Now here is where it gets messy.

Poor froggie.
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We split open the ribcage to see the lungs and the beating heart.
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We dug the intestines out.
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Oh look at that black ball! It's the gall bladder!
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More pics of me dissecting the frog.
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valentine's day valentine's day Don't be fooled by my face. I actually feel very guilty.

We flipped it over to dig the brain out.
valentine's day valentine's day But failed. The skull was too hard to cut.

Look at how many people are dissecting the poor frog.
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Closer look at the insides of the frog.
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June and Vina.
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Lol, Agnes posing with the tray of blood.
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Me destroying all the evidence of being a frog murderer.
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Goodbye Froggie... Thank you for letting us see your insides.
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But can you believe? Even when we had dug out all its vital organs, the heart was still beating! It was still alive.... OMG. Vina, Agnes and I had the urge to poke the heart to stop its suffering, but everyone was like NO!!!! All the arteries... Blood will squirt out like a fountain.


Went home and immediately showered. I hope I don't smell of frog's blood.

This is by far, the most disgusting and most cruel thing I've ever done in my life.

P/S Thanks to Vina for being the camera woman today :)

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