valentine's day Tracy's history text book

Listening to: Footprints in the Sand - Leona Lewis
Last watched: Gundam 00 2nd Season episode 5

Yesterday was kinda like the last day of school for us Form 5s.

I don't think anyone will go to school today, tomorrow and next Monday because our bloody SPM exam is just next Tuesday!! Crazy.

Sigh. My Form 5 life, gone, just like that.

Anyway, seems that my last post about the froggie dissection has earned a lot of remarks of disgust and horror. Hahaha.

But just so you guys know, the dissection of a frog is not in our high school syllabus. Its just because my Bio teacher, Miss Choy, was being a kind soul, she said we could dissect a frog after trials if we have the time. And we did! Weee.

I'm gonna have to stop blogging for some time after this week so let's see what random stuff I can blog about today.


Aha! I got it.

I present to you........


Back cover.
valentine's day valentine's day
And I thought I was the queen of doodling.

Her History text book was previously owned by her cousin, who is a very smart girl, straight As for trials and SPM. And it was her cousin who drew that!

You know at the back of our history text books, we usually have the pictures of the authors? Well look what Tracy's cousin did to those pictures.

valentine's day valentine's day
valentine's day valentine's day
valentine's day valentine's day

valentine's day valentine's day
Back cover of Form 4 history text book.
valentine's day valentine's day
Do all smart people do that to their books? O.o

Becky, you don't do that, right?

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