valentine's day Twilight.

Listening to: Tamachi Hibiki - Rekka Katakiri
Last watched: Twilight movie

A note to warn you: If you are an obsessed Twilight fan, I suggest you to not read this post. Thank you.

Day 1 of my freedom.

Ah. This is the life.

Anyway, went out to the mall last evening to watch Twilight with Vina, Wennie, Mayshan, Bao Zhou Po, Tracy and June.

valentine's day valentine's day
And all I can say is that....


Big time.

If you've read the book and are planning to watch the movie, don't. Do yourself a favour, save your money for something else thats worth it and stick to the book.

Scenes in the book that make you sigh blissfully or swoon actually turn out to be very scary in the movie. We've all read the books but when we watched the movie, we kept throwing nasty remarks.

Tracy: "Edward looks like a rapist and if I were Bella I will sue him for sexual harrassment."

Wennie: "OMG That's Jacob that's Jacob!!!"
All of us: O_O EWWWWWW
Me: "Ok, now this makes me dislike him even more."

*screen zooms into Edward's scary eyes*
Me: He seriously looks like a drug addict.

Me: June, I really cannot stand the movie. Very boring.
June: Yeah me too. If I didn't read the book I would hate this movie.

#5 (this moment is exceptional)
Me: "OMGOMGOMG I like the dad. So handsome. Better than Edward."
June: "Yeah I like the dad too!"

....and many more but I can't remember. Vina and Wennie said something funny but I can't remember as well.

Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson are terrible actors. They both look like puppets with detached strings. You don't feel any intensity or chemistry between them either.

Kristen fails to capture the emotions as Bella that were written in the book.

And Robert... well, his character choice itself is one grave error.

But let me get this straight:
I am NOT a fan of the Twilight Saga.

Just because I've read the books, do not accuse me of being one. Why is the series so popular in the world, now that I can never understand.

Oh wait, I do.

The reason is merely two words, Edward Cullen.

I suppose the mention of that fictional character will earn a few squeals here and there. Corrention, make that A LOT of squeals. After all, that name is so famous now. Like, almost Harry Potter-famous. If you don't know who he is, well, all I can say is that you've been living on the moon for the past few years.

Who is he?

He is the drop dead gorgeous, mind-bogglingly handsome vampire from Twilight.

Yes, he is the reason why Twilight is famous.

And that's all that Twilight has to offer. The story is not that all compelling. Dull, even. The first book was... okay. A pretty tale of forbidden love between a vampire and a human.

The second book, New Moon? Bored the hell outta me. I wanted to bang my head on the wall for even reading it. And the third book, Eclipse? As Mayshan says it, it's F.O.S (full of shit, if you please.)

Twilight provides a very stiff and slow paced storyline. And the story has almost nothing in it. Only those really sweet moments would have you sighing or swooning. I can't say anything about Breaking Dawn cause I've yet to finish it (which will take a miracle for it to happen since I'm so disinterested in the story, thanks to New Moon and Eclipse.)

In conclusion?
Both movie and books are draggy and boring all the same.

Right, I'm prepared to be clobbered by Twilight fans. Weeee.

But even though I don't like the story, I can't deny Edward's charms.

There, I've said I like Edward. Now be lenient on the clobbering, people.

P/S The only character that actually looks like how the book described him is... Carlisle Cullen! The dad. Yes. I like the dad in the movie. He's sooooo good looking. Even June likes him too. (refer to moment #5 above.)

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