valentine's day Hopefully he didn't bring any friends....

We have a mouse in our house. I thought I saw him early Saturday morning while I was sitting in the living room. I saw something, a small dark shadow out of the corner of my eye, scurry across the kitchen floor. I told Mr. Jetplane, who was still asleep, and he didn't believe me.

So the entire day and night goes on without incident. I am sitting in the living room, cozy and comfy, in my leather chair playing on the computer and watching Inside the NFL and I a see a lil mouse run in front of the fireplace and into the closet. My ever close watch dogs (Milo & Charlie) are passed out on the couch, snoring, and not paying attention at all.

I run upstairs to tell Mr. Jetplane...we have a mouse... I knew I wasn't making this up. He then asks me what do I want him to do about it.... Catch the damn thing!

We tried and were unsuccessful. (I may have been standing onto of the coffee table) The dogs are deathly afraid of the broom for some reason so they were not a help at all. They ran into the bedroom and hid. The mouse is still in this house and looks like I'm going to be buying some traps today.

I haven't had a mouse in my house since I lived with my parents in the country...and then we had a cat... I guess I have found the one bad thing about living in BFE surrounded by tobacco, wheat, cotton, and corn fields...

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