valentine's day Pug Friday - All Dressed Up Edition 1

Good Morning to all and a very happy Pug Friday. As promised for the next few weeks we'll be enjoying pictures from my readers of their puggies dressed up in their Halloween finest. I don't know what it is about dogs (especially pugs) being dressed up that just melts my cold dark heart. Who's with me??

Unfortunately, Milo, my own personal lil hunk of pug lovin HATES, DETESTS, DOWN RIGHT LOATHES being dressed up in clothes. I did wrangle a spiderman costume on him last year and I think it maybe a repeat long as the lil chunker still fits into it.

Now without further ado...for your Pug Friday enjoyment...I bring you these 2 cutie pies.

First we have Ms. Sophia from Bella Serenity. Isn't she adorable? valentine's day valentine's day And here we have Mr. Paulie from on the Rhoads of Life. You may recognize Paulie, he was a finalist in our Pugapalooza earlier this year.
valentine's day valentine's day Aren't their expressions priceless? This is the look I get from Milo when I dress him up...he's thinking "Seriously Mom?"
Oh but you just can't yourself...they are too cute for words.
Thank you all for sending in the pics, I am getting some great ones. Keep them coming to
Happy Pug Friday All!!

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