valentine's day Boxing Day

Daddy's goldfishes are dying :(

valentine's day valentine's day
See all the blueness in the water? That's the medication.

There were a total of 9 goldfishes, and some of them got infected by the Fin Rot disease and white spot disease, which is a common plague among fishes.

Now there's only 5.

I don't have the heart to ask daddy whether he quarantined the 4 infected ones or flushed them down the toilet bowl or threw them into the drain.

He said the fishes might not live till tomorrow :(

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I think this black one has been infected as well... never seen goldfishes resting so still at the bottom of an aquarium.

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This goldfish looks like a bloated balloon bwahahaha! So fat.

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I have awesome fish-capturing photography skills bwahahaha. I am feeling so self-absorbed right now.

Anyway the point of this post is:

to show you how mean of a sister I am.

Audrey is awfully obsessed with her so-not-cute dog plushie since, ever. And it's annoying the earwax out of me.

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And she blogged about this:

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Yes, I know. Mine isn't any better. But at least William doesn't mind its bigger than hers okay?


P/S Sending out my appreciation to friends who are still loyal to me blog! Heart you guys! ♥

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