valentine's day Soundtrack to my day

Well Happy Eve of Christmas Eve to all you lovely readers of mine..if I still have some, since I've been quite the crappy lil blogger lately.

I do apologize, the Jetplanes' lives have been a little crazy lately and my workload, cup runneth over to the nth degree.

So what to blog about today on a day such a this...well music of course. I love music and have a pretty eclectic taste. But this song evens me out and I go into a very relaxed mode...hoping it will do the same to you.

I believe the 1st time I heard it was on 500 Days of Summer but I'm not sure. (FYI-Really liked that movie)

But then last night I heard it again on a Rhapsody commercial when the guy said "This reminds me of the song"...and it really did.

I love how music can change your mood, take you back in time, or just get your party started.

So for the lackluster posts lately, I promise I'll get better.

Enjoy this lil diddy for your morning jump start!!

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