So Mr. Jetplane left early yesterday morning for Illinois. He hasn't been home since last year. I unfortunately couldn't go with him for the week because my recent 2 weeks off to be with my mother.
So needless to say I miss him...
I miss him for all the standard reasons...its lonely in bed at night, I like someone there that can reach top shelf of cabinets, someone to unload the dishwasher, take out the trash, pick up the dog poop in the yard...you know the usual.

But its always nice to get a little alone time, don't you agree?? That's when your Secret Single Behavior comes out...
What's mine... well some of it is not all that exciting
1. I make all the food that Mr. Jetplane hates like Tuna Casserole (which I LOVE)
2. I will watch endless hours of Bravo and MTV and lay on the couch...ALOT
3. I will eat junk food...Mr. Jetplane prefers we don't have junk in the house
4. I will sleep on Mr. Jetplane's side of the bed
5. I will let Milo sleep with me in the bed (like the good ol days)
6. I may even let Charlie lay on the bed
7. I will go shopping and buy home decor items that Mr Jetplane thinks we don't need and will tell him we already had those.
8. I will go shopping and purchase wallpaper for the master bathroom and then talk him into putting it up when he gets back.
9. I will take long baths and blare music throughout the house.
10. I will drink copious amounts of champagne...out of red wine glasses.

11. I will work on crafting projects that Mr thinks are crazy (that's until he sees them all done).
What do you plan on doing when your significant other is MIA for a few days...
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