Well 2009 kicked my ass...I learned alot about myself, my marriage, my family, my friends, and the life of a military wife.
Its tough out there for a lil girl (ok I'm 29) like me, who still on occasion feels like she's fresh out of college, and not ready to be an adult.
What do I want to see, do, accomplish in 2010...oh boy, the list is long and whining that is for-sho...
1. I want to be a better wife and to focus on making our marriage as strong as it can be. We love each other, we're best friends, but we can get on each other's nervous in a nanosecond. We're not always team players and we both have to consider each other's feelings when we say or do something.
2. I want to decorate my house and make it a home.
3. We may have another move this summer to either Idaho or England (or we may stay in NC), we don't know until March and we'll move in June/July. I need to handle this uncertainty with grace and know that this is COMPLETELY out of my control.
4. I need to be better at self-motivating..I'm lazy, I'll be the first to admit it. I need to work harder in my life, my job, my marriage, etc.
5. I need to get out and make friends around here. Its tough, real tough, to meet women and like them, and become friends with them...become REAL friends, not the fake friends that so many of us have. I want tried and true, I can be my real honest to goodness self around you friends.
6. I want to prepare our little family to take the next step and have a baby. I don't know if this will happen this year or next, but I think I've come to realization that I really do want kids, and now I have to make my mind feel the same way as my heart.
7. I want to use my Kitchen Aid Mixer that I got as a wedding gift in 2008. I want to bake and cook more. I really enjoy cooking and I'm pretty good at it.
8. I want to grow a green thumb. I want to plant flowers and trees in our yard. I want to make our yard a place to hang out in the summer, and I want to be motivated to keep it that way.
9. I want to learn to appreciate what I have, and not feel like I need more. I want to not shop as much. I want to not feel as if I need things.
10. I want to become a better saver. My husband is great at this and I need to learn from his example.
11. I want to be OK with turning 30 in June. I want to celebrate the 30 years I've had, not feel bad about things I haven't accomplished and realize that 30 isn't as old as it sounded when I was 21.
12. I want to get in better shape. Here is the motivation again, I want to lose 10 lbs and be in the best shape I can before having a baby.
13. I want to see my friends more. I miss my girls...we live all over and don't get to see each other. I miss them.
14. I want to do more charity work. I want to donate more to breast cancer research, ASPCA, etc. I want to participate in charity walks, runs, drives, etc. I want to give back to my community more. I'm a big donater to charities, but I want to be a participant.
15. I want to be a better blogger. I enjoy this outlet, I need it, and lean on it from time to time. I need to make it better, I'm working on that.
That's it...for now. I'm sure I forgot a couple of things here and there but that's pretty much the list. Wish me luck... give me a kick in the ass, I'm going to need it.
Before I end this post I need to tell you all that I really, truly appreciate everyone that reads this lil blog. You all have made 2009 more bearable for me. Mr. Jetplane calls you my invisible friends, and you might be invisible but your kind words, emails, thoughts, and prayers are very tangible to me.
You all have made me cry, laugh, think, pray, and maybe a time or 2 go shopping, but your 'friendship' is something so special that I don't think Mr. Jetplane (or any man for that matter) could ever truly grasp.
Here's to us KICKIN ASS in 2010
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