valentine's day New layout: Sherlock Holmes

OMG I freakin' abandoned my blog again.

All thanks to the short sem, life is more hectic than it already is.

Well, mid-term is over, all we did was watch a film in class today, and class tomorrow is canceled! Heaven :D and not to mention I get to go over to Will's place this weekend again.

He's having a job interview tomorrow somewhere near Queensbay. My baby boy's all grown up ♥

So I'll basically be lurking around in Qbay just so I won't be bored while waiting for his interview to be over. Am able to meet up with my banana sistah, Manda again! After... more than half a year :O

New layout is up! Banner is of course, photoshopped by moi :)

Everyone's having the Sherlock Holmes and Robert Downey Jr. fever! Especially after RDJ won Best Actor at this year's Golden Globes. He's just so awesome.


valentine's day valentine's day Picture stolen from Rach's plurk ;)

Oh and the most miraculous thing finally happened:

My roommate and I spoke again.

Surprising right?

Since she talked, I decided to ask her a few questions regarding her interests, cause living with her for almost one month, I realized she kinda listens to Japanese songs and watches anime like me!

Isn't that awesome?

Then I thought of my blog post about her... and I feel so bad about it. Was being really judgmental and all... plus the PMSing emotionally unstable thing... Cih, I have to agree, PMSing is a bitch. Made me a bitch too.

I wonder how does Will cope with me every month when I PMS? :O

So yeah, I decided to delete whatever bad stuff I said about her and start off fresh with her. I actually apologized to her too, but it was kinda funny she had this blur look all the while cause she didn't know what I did. Well she said whatever it was, all is good. I'm glad she was able to forgive me and my rashness.

So yup. Taking this chance to patch my relationship with her as roommates.

We shared our interests in anime just now, and haha! She's on team Raito in Death Note!! Woohoo!! Another fellow Raito lover :) And she watches Higurashi :O

Kay, signing off now.

Cupy is watching you bwahahahaha!

valentine's day valentine's day Will took this pic -_-

P/S Those who think there'll be another update from me before CNY, say aye! :P

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