valentine's day Totally Random Tuesday...

Disclaimer: This post is totally and absolutely have been warned.

1. I made Stuffed Shells yesterday (while working..good thing about working from home). Here is a picture of the finished product. valentine's day Mr loves them, hopefully the young A1C's family I made them for love them too. She just had a baby that was 6 weeks earlier. The recipe can be found here. This time I did use Reduced Fat Chive and Onion Cream Cheese. I thought it tasted the same.

2. Work, while kicking my booty is going surprisingly well so far for the year. I'm 2 projects above my goal for January and I still have a couple of days to get my number higher.

3. We have found out if we stay in NC, Mr will most likely be deploying in September...yeah holy crap. I might actually be rooting for Idaho. He will then deploy in the Winter/Spring of 2011.

4. We have more new neighbors. The houses in our subdivision are filling up fast...yeah!! And these neighbors saw Charlie last night and weren't scared...good thing.

5. I'm rocking out to this, this morning... It just puts me in the best mood...

Happy Tuesday!!!

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