valentine's day Were You Good This Year?

valentine's day valentine's day

It was an interesting economic year, wouldn't you say? This year, our Christmas Lists were shorter, and more practical, as well as more creative. And I have to say this Christmas was one of the best I have ever had in terms of gifts received. They were more thoughtful, painstaking and by for more meaningful than ever.

My daughters are both very creative. One is a very talented artist and bakes delicious goodies. The other loves to make things with her hands and has a very unique and wonderful graphic sense. The latter made a mosaic pot from shards of pottery she found at the Antique Faire on a trip she went on with my Mother, her Grandmother. Little did I know she would create this masterpiece and present it to me Christmas morning with a beautiful jade plant. My mosaic pot runneth over.

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I collect bottles with caning and wicker around them. I always am on the lookout for another special one. The same daughter found the middle bottle at the Sacramento Antique Faire with the letters "AA Co." printed on it. I love it and I love her for thinking of it. I think I have another Antique scavenger in the making here! Like Mother like Daughter?

valentine's day valentine's day

I had mentioned seeing these two cups or vases at Fringe, a really fun shop near our home recently, and lo and behold, my husband, Tim, had gone the very next day and picked them up. I also collect shells and vintage shell boxes. These cups were made in Ireland, probably as a tourist tchake. I adore them! They will be used for pencil cups at my desk or for flowers in various places. So many uses! These were such a bargain as well. I am so glad he went back for them! (I have a wonderful husband....did I mention that?)

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A little close-up. I can just imagine these on a window sill overlooking the sea with a bunch of Irish Heather.

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My husband knows my collection of Ironstone is ever growing, and he hunted down this sweet sugar bowl..........

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......and this platter at the antique shops over on 57th Street in Sacramento. Totally unexpected for Tim to go Antique shopping on his own. I think that meant more to me than the gifts themselves!
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One of my very favorite presents was this bulletin board Tim made for me. Apparently he and girls had it hidden during production in the garage for a month before Christmas without me knowing. He made it perfectly to fit where we had been talking about putting one for all of those mundane things like family calendars, shopping and "honey-do" lists. Now we have a place for all of it besides the kitchen counter. SOOOOO cool! (Love you honey!)

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Didn't he do a fantastic job?! It will be filled up as soon as I can find some cool tacks.

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Tim also went and found this vintage breadbox at the Antique Shops on 57th Street. It was on my list....but putting things like this on my list is a little risky. Who knows what might show up, and I have been known to be a bit picky. But I think Tim is developing a very good eye! I really like it, especially since all of the bread is now hidden away instead of having 3 bags on the counter.

valentine's day valentine's day

Tim also gave me these two beauties. I had a beautiful Christmas day with my family, just relaxing with a cup of cider curled up with these two books, also on my list.

Nothing too big, nothing too fancy, but perfect in every way.

(Did I mention how much I love my family? They just "get" me, and that is the biggest gift of all. I must have been pretty good this year.)

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