valentine's day How-To Make Your Own Cupcake Ingredients

With the Holiday Season in full swing,  I'm sure you've got your baking lists ready and plenty of holiday cupcakes to bake!  What better way to make your cupcakes then with a few homemade ingredients!

Brown Sugar - light & dark
Ryan from Ryan's Baking Blog recently posted a recipe on how to make your own brown sugar.  Now, if I knew this was this easy... I would have been making this a long time ago!

valentine's day
Awesome picture, Ryan! Thanks for letting us use it!

Vanilla Extract
Several months ago, Betsy from, shared on her blog a recipe for making homemade Vanilla Extract. This extract takes a few months to really be good, but it's so worth in the end.  The picture is from Tracy from Sugarcrafter.

valentine's day

Joy the Baker has a few amazing homemade recipes for baking.  Buttermilk is one of those ingredients that sometimes you just don't always have in your refrigerator.  Joy the Baker has several suggestions on how to make your own or what substitutions you can use for buttermilk.

valentine's day
Thanks for letting us borrow this picture, Joy the Baker!

Cake Flour
Recipe calls for cake flour?  Do you have no idea what the difference is between all-purpose flour and cake flour?  No problem! Joy the Baker can solve that problem for you!  Check out her recipe for cake flour and all your problems will be solved! 

valentine's day
Another awesome pic, Joy

Chocolate Curls
Need to embellish your cupcake with some chocolate curls? The Pioneer Woman has a fantastic recipe for homemade curls!  No more buying them in the store or online! 

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Thanks for letting me use this great photo, Pioneer Woman

Pumpkin Pie Spice
I know... Thanksgiving is over, but really... Pumpkin Pie Spice is used is so many recipes, that it's just great to have on hand year round!  Why buy it when you can make it?  Joy the Baker is at it again with this great how-to on putting together your own Pumpkin Pie Spice.  Thanks Joy!

valentine's day
This picture comes from Joy the Baker! Thanks, Joy!

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