valentine's day My new family...

The Jetplanes have been 'in' the military for a little over 4 years now. A lot has happened in those four years, we have had huge successes and monumental failures. We loved, we laughed, and we've cried for ourselves and for people in our community.
valentine's day

For the majority of the past 4 years, Mr. Jetplane has been going through training and we've been part of various training squadrons. Some of these squadrons are very accepting and welcoming, they make you (i.e. the wife) feel like they are one of the girls...some are not so accepting, especially if you are just a girlfriend or fiance. (FYI that has just been my personal experience)

I adored the women in our last training squadron. It was the first time we were in an actual "fighter" squadron and I felt I like belonged. That was most definitely attributed to our wonderful commander's wife. Even though my husband was just a 'lowly Lt. student' I felt like I was just like any other wife in the squadron, and trust me that's a good feeling.

When we arrived in Idaho, I was sad to leave those women, the women and the community that I had grown to really love in those short 9 months. Its amazing the friendships that you can build in 9 months isn't it. Its amazing that these women and I are so different but so alike at the same time. Its amazing that some of these women are without a doubt, going to be my friends for the rest of my life...9 months people. I made those life long friendships in 9 months.

We have only been in Idaho for a few months and I'm just starting to get my bearings with in our new squadron. Luckily a couple of people came with us from our previous squadron and we have strong friendships already. But making friends with the rest of the spouses sometimes feels like a daunting task. I don't have any children. Most, like 90%, of the spouses do. I have a full time job, most of them don't. I can't attend day time activities at the squadron, I can't do a lot of things due to my job and activities that I schedule for myself during the weeknights. But with all that being said, what I have witnessed in the past 7 days has erased any and all doubt I had in my mind about our new squadron.

I have always been told that fighter squadrons are close, probably one of the closest in the military. Sure we've been told that a million times, but never truly felt it..until now.

When the accident occurred last Monday night, our squadron moved into high gear. From the top down, the selflessness and true love for others poured out of these men and women. It makes me tear up just imagining the support my friend was given last week. The commander dropped everything and drove my friend to the hospital. He and other higher ranking officers in the squadron arranged travel and accommodations for their families. People stayed in 24 hour vigil with his wife. We have arranged meals to be delivered to the hospital for however long it takes.

Its truly an outpouring of love that warms my heart. We are proud to be part of this wonderful community. You see in this crazy military life there are only a couple of constants - you have your spouse, his job, an upcoming deployment, and your military family. The players in that family may shift here and there, but they are always part of your family. Its a wonderful realization, unfortunately it took a horrible accident like this for it to show itself to me.
The outpouring of love doesn't stop with our squadron. Our sister squadron, the maintainers, and the foreign squadron stationed here have all pitched in. The love is being sent in masses from other fighter squadrons back in North Carolina and in England. People that trained with the pilot and went to the Academy with him, its truly amazing the love that has surrounded he, his wife, and their families.
But prayers are still needed. We've hopefully turned a corner but we're not out of the woods by any means.

Thank you all for the kind thoughts and prayers for our friends I mentioned in the previous post. If you follow me on twitter you most likely know a lot more about the situation. Since I'm generally anonymous on this blog and throughout this 'space' I prefer to not disclose his name or information. If you are in the military community or have a strong and true desire to pray from him, I would be happy to share some additional information, including his caringbridge site.

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