valentine's day Strawberry flambé, peppermint chocolate cheesecake, and cranapple cider POP! cupcakes from LA's BlakeyCakes

When I was in LA a few weeks ago, I got to meet Blake of custom and delivery cupcake company BlakeyCakes and try his sinfully delicious banana chocolate drizzle cupcakes, which I will post about...when I can. I still haven't posted about cupcakes I tried on my visit to LA in September, that's how behind I am!

But since these are seasonal, and look amazing, I wanted to share them with you now; photos and descriptions from this Facebook album:

Strawberry Flambé
Making its way into the BlakeyCakes hall of fame, the strawberry flambé! Contained within this complex wonder is a strawberry fruit filling flambéed with Gran Marnier smacked with a dollop of custard! This wonder filling is sandwiched between two moist vanilla cakes topped with a deluge of chocolate ganache and a decadent chocolate dipped strawberry.

Holiday Peppermint Chocolate Cheesecake
This holiday cheesecake is baked with a chocolate graham cracker crust, a creamy cream cheese center with a chocolate ganache swirl, and infused with just a whisper of peppermint. The topping is your standard homemade whipped cream lightly dusted with ground up peppermint candy canes.

Cranapple Cider POP!
POP-ing with apple and cranberry goodness, these holiday cupcakes just pour forth a festivity of glee! Just imagine being able to bite into a fresh, juicy apple with hints of spicy cinnamon and nutmeg; then being welcomed by a gush of homemade cranberry filling and finally unified by a dollop of cream cheese glaze.

b.arias101 at
Los Angeles, CA

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