valentine's day Pug Friday

Hello everyone...its me the bad blogger. A lot has been going on with the Jetplanes lately. We are knee deep in home renovations, Mr. Jetplane is trying to get in as much snowboarding as humanly possible, and we just got back from some time with family over the holidays.

It was great spending time with our families, but it sucked having to watch Mr. Jetplane say goodbye to people knowing and acknowledging that he's heading off to war this year. He won't see them again before he leaves, and that's heartbreaking to me. I know it is to him too, even though you would never get him to admit that.

So there's a lot to do before he leaves and it makes me crazy and sad at the same time. Please accept my apologies in advance for having to be vague about a lot of this. I have to be, even though I don't want to be.

So in honor of how I've been feeling lately...

valentine's day Have a good weekend every one. We'll be hitting the slopes on Saturday and the Lowes/Home Depot and non-stop home improvement on Sunday.

Happy Pug Friday!


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