valentine's day Someone is a little emotional today...

And that someone is me. Okay, a little back story here may be needed. Living in P'cola I am truly disturbed by one thing... how many animals I see killed on the side of the road - be those armadillos, cats, raccoons, squirrels, birds, and dogs. I see dogs running around neighborhoods on main streets with tags on, every single day. It breaks my heart. People if you can't tend to you dog, you shouldn't have one. In the subdivison next to mind, people leave their 'lil'dogs out in the front yard and they follow Milo and I as we walk. I've seen these dogs almost get hit over 10 times.

But today I was heading to work not far from my subdivision is a very heavily tree lined area and I see a squirrel run down a tree and a car in front of mine with a woman on her cell phone. I yell to the squirrel, "Watch out!" Yes I totally did this but the squirrel didn't listen to me and I saw this poor thing get hit. And then I started crying and I don't mean a tear, I mean full on cried for like 5 minutes until I had to compose myself to buy some gas.

Mr. Jetplane says I'm an overly emotional person, but I can't help it. I love all the lil squirrels, and I hate to one die, especially right in from of me.

Squirrels are my sorority's mascot, so maybe I love them a little more than other people....

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