valentine's day I Want My MTV - Morrissey walks

Watching the music video for Morrissey's most recent single ("All You Need Is Me"), it occurred to me that something felt oh so very familiar about it... the outstretched arms? The tambourine? Mozzer surrounded by boys? Yes those, okay, sure. But more than that, it's the walk. Morrissey singing and walking towards the camera: the most basic of Morrissey music video tactics. How many other videos of his can you name that feature this overplayed action-infusing device?? I came up with a total of eight...

"All You Need Is Me" (above)

"Tomorrow" (above)

"We Hate It When Our Friends Become Successful" (above)

"The More You Ignore Me The Closer I Get" (above)

"Dagenham Dave" (above)

"Certain People I Know" (above)

"I Have Forgiven Jesus" (above)

"The Youngest Was the Most Loved" (above)

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