valentine's day Oh Baby...

This is a post about babies... NO! I repeat NO! The Jetplanes aren't pregnant but it sure feels like everyone else is.

And just to make myself clear.... I am over the moon happy for them. But its still a weird conversation, because as I've stated before, I'm still a little immature about the situation (even though I am 29 yrs old). And I still feel like in some ways we aren't old enough to start having babies yet...even though I totally know that we are. I never said I was rational in my thought process about this...

Its just crazy because we've went through years of people NOT wanting to get pregnant and now you are in a time where people are wanting/trying to get pregnant.

Here's how the convo went down...

Lou: "I'm pregnant!!"
Me: "OMG! Really! Seriously! I'm so... wait are we excited? We are excited, right?"
Lou: "Yes! We're happy! It wasn't planned but we're happy!"
Me: "Great! Because I'm totally crying over here! I'm so happy for you guys!"

Its still strange because I feel like, even though we've all been out of college for going on 7 years 7 years... I still feel like we're those young college girls in our black minis, backless shirts, and knee high black boots...going out hitting the town, doing shots, and dancing to techno music until 5 in the morning...

But (un)fortunately we are not... Our alcohol tolerance has decreased and our skirt lengths have increased but our love for one another has always remained the same.

Now...when are the Jetplanes going to have a baby? Not for some time...

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