valentine's day Air Kisses to You All..

Thank you for the kind comments and emails I got yesterday from my 2010 post. I really appreciate it.

I know it goes without saying, but it feels soooo good to know you're not the only one out there that is suffering from the same issues. Growing up is hard, our parents were right...enjoy your youth, your carefree misspent goes by way too quickly.

So THANK YOU to all you wonderful ladies, I really appreciate each and everyone of you.

Now with that out of the way... This arrived with Mr. Jetplane when he came back from Illinois on Sunday. Its my Christmas gift from his dad and step-mom. I knew I was getting it since I specifically asked for it. valentine's day

I guess its kinda funny for me to ask for a cookbook from his family since, his mother, stepmother, sister, and sister-in-law, all don't really cook. When Mr. and I started dating I asked him what his favorite meal was, because I would cook it later that weekend. He told me Hamburger Helper....yeah ladies that's what I was dealing with.

But I digress, the cookbook is very interesting. Its not just a cookbook, it let's you into Ree's and Marlboro Man's lives. When Mr gave it to me, I sat in the chair and read the whole thing that night, I've never 'read' a cookbook.

I'm excited to get to cooking...Mr. Jetplane loves all the food I've made from her blog. Mr. Jetplane is a meat and potatoes type of guy, but he will eat (and like) other types of food.

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