valentine's day It's all William's fault!

That's why I haven't been blogging.

He's going to murder me if he reads this :P

Well it's partially his fault for being so distracting and partially my fault for being unable to resist him and MOSTLY it's the new semester's fault.

I hate short semesters!!

Classes have been doubled in one week because instead of the usual 14 weeks, we have only 7 weeks in a short semester.

Waking up for morning classes almost every day. Having afternoon classes subsequently almost everyday too. Argh!

Finally went to watch Avatar yesterday with William ♥, Rachel and Eric, Premiere Class :)

Mild spoilers

valentine's day valentine's day
Well I guess without a doubt, it's the most epic movie of 2009. More epic than 2012 too!

At first I thought it was a movie adaptation of Avatar the Last Airbender or something -.-

Here's the reason why I don't really like watching sentimental/emotional parts of films with William.

The praying scene for Grace to heal at the Tree of Souls and when the power fails to heal, the light of the tree starts to die out slowly.

William: What, didn't pay electricity bill so power failure ah?
Me: =________________=

The final scene where Neytiri embraces the human form of Jake Sully after the fight was over.

Jake Sully: I See You.
Neytiri: I See You.

William: Intensive Care Unit.
Me: OMG Don't lame can or not Chong William?

I was practically on the verge of shedding tears at that scene.


Never mind, however lame he gets, I still love him :)

valentine's day valentine's day
Belated Happy New Year wishes, guys! ♥

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