valentine's day valentine's day heart cupcake earrings on Etsy

These valentine's day heart cupcake earrings are for sale on Etsy by Inedible Jewelry for $24. Via Flickr.

Official description:

Festive handmade cupcake earrings for your favorite Valentine! These inedible cupcakes are the perfect accessory for your favorite cupcake baker, secret sweetheart, or just the perfect thing to wear in February.

We sculpted the cupcakes by hand from polymer clay, and included all the details. The cake has a great crumbly texture, the frosting is a thick, deliciously swirled pale pink buttercream, garnished with lots of tiny pink and white sprinkles and a bright red handmade heart. Each cupcake is a tiny bit different, just like real handmade cupcakes!

** Measurements **
The cupcakes are a little over 1/2" (12mm) tall, and are accented with a bright red swarovski crystal for some extra sparkle. They are finished on closed-back sterling silver ear wires, and fall 1 1/2" (4cm) from where the wire exits the ear to the bottom of the cupcakes. See the photos for a sense of scale.

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